There are several ways you can support us:
1. Become a member
The greater the community involvement, the more effective the company will be. Membership is vital to the success of the Leadhills Community Company. As a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, company members are liable up to £1 in the unlikely event of company insolvency. Members are our lifeblood.
To apply to become a full member you need to be resident in Leadhills and on the electoral register. Anyone else who supports the aims and objectives of the Company is welcome to apply to become an associate member. Annual membership is £2.
2. Come to our meetings
We will begin to hold open meetings in the village once again when Covid-19 restrictions allow.
3. Subscribe to our newsletter updates
Follow us on FaceBook or contact us for the latest edition of our newsletter or to subscribe.
4. Speak with us
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more about our projects or get involved.
To chip in and help click here.