Download 2022 AGM Draft Minutes…
Download 2022-23 Draft Financial Statement
The 2023 minutes — in draft until accepted at next year’s AGM — can be downloaded here.
The final 2022 minutes — amended this year to reflect a review of the number of members — can be downloaded here.
Many thanks to those who joined us for our AGM and contributed to the lively discussion.
We hope to have a more lively Facebook Group this year. To join the group, go to https://www.facebook.com/LeadhillsCommunityCompanyLtd
The draft minutes of the LCCL AGM, held on 12 June 2022, are now available to read and download here.
Many thanks to those who attended our AGM, and for your support for the project to build a public toilet block in Horner’s Place that is planned to be sustainably financed by accommodation pods nearby.
We will be at the Leadhills Gala on 13 August. The drawings of the Horner’s Place Project from the AGM will be there to view. Company directors will be on hand to explain and answer questions. Membership Forms will be available if you wish to become a member of the community company, or renew your membership for another year. Adult membership only costs £2 each year, or 50p for junior members aged 12-15.
NOTE: the company was set up to enable the Leadhills village community to acquire, develop, and manage assets, and is limited by guarantee. The only liability members incur, in the unlikely event that the company becomes insolvent, is limited to £1, while you are a member and for 1 year afterwards.
We look forward to hear your views about the project at the Gala, and at further public meetings that we will arrange as the project gains more shape and detail.
Download a Membership Form ==>